How to get the Certificate of Residence in Spain

If you are (or are going to be) in Spain and you want to stay for longer than 3 months, you are going to need a Certificate of Residence. In order to be able to become a resident, you need to meet some requirements.

We are going to tell you the requirements you need to meet, how you can get a certificate of residence in Spain and all the prices you will have to pay.



Requirements for temporary residence

These are the requirements you will have to meet if you want to live in Spain for longer than 90 days without conducting business or professional activities:

  • No citizen of a State of the European Union , the European Economic Area or Switzerland , or family of citizens of these countries that apply to them the rules of citizen of the Union. In this case, you will not need a Certificate of Residence.
  • Your situation in Spanish territory must be legal.
  • You must not be prohibited from entry into Spain and not listed as objectionable in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement to that effect.
  • You must have sufficient financial means to meet your subsistence and trip back home during the period of time for which you wish to reside in Spain without developing any work or professional activity.
  • You must have a public insurance or private health insurance with a concerted authorized to operate in Spain Insurance Entity.
  •  Not having any of the diseases that may have serious public health implications in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations 2005.
  • Have paid the legally prescribed fee.

How to get a Certificate of Residence in Spain


You must apply personally for the corresponding visa at the diplomatic mission or consular office of your demarcation of residence.

Once your Delegation or Sub Delegation of Government receives the application, in no later than one month after receipt of the request, the organism will decide the grant or refusal of a residence permit.

Once the authorization has been granted, the diplomatic mission or consular office will meet and issue the visa. Once collected the visa, the applicant must enter the Spanish territory, the term thereof, shall in no case exceed three months.

The visa will include the initial residence permit and the validity of it starts from the date of entry into Spain, which must necessarily be stated in the passport or travel document. Following such entry, the applicant must apply in person , within a month, at the Foreign Office or Police Station where authorization has been processed , the Identity Card Abroad, which will be removed by it.

The initial temporary residence permit will last for one year.

There are four places where you can apply for a Certificate of Residence:

  • Dirección General de Policía
  • Through the Immigration Offices
  • Police Stations
  • In the case you are not in Spanish territory when applying, you can go to the General Offices of Immigration and Borders , through the Spanish Consular Offices abroad.

Here, you can find all the offices where any foreign citizen can process the necessary documents.

Processing Offices Foreign Citizens


Fees Residence Permit Spain

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