How to find accommodation in Spain

You have just arrived in Spain (or are planning on coming) and you need to find accommodation. You are lucky you are reading this. I am an expert in this subject. Whenever we are looking for a place to stay, especially if it is in a foreign country, we all look for the same three  things: A safe area, a nice room or house and, of course, a good price. Then, of course, there are many other factors that influence our decision.

There are many different types of travelers that come to Spain and need accommodation; I am going to try to help all of you.

Accommodation Spain

Temporary vs. Long Stay

Are you going to stay for less than a month or for longer? If you are going to stay for less than a month, you will hardly find a room or a flat.

Temporary Accommodation

The best option will be staying in a hostel (albergue or hostal in Spanish), if you are a low-budget traveler, or in a hotel if you are willing to afford it.

Hostels: Their price will be around 15 and 25 Euros per person/night. The north of Spain will usually be more expensive than the south.

You will find the best offers for hostels in:

For hotels:

Long Stay

If you are going to stay for longer than a month, you will probably prefer to stay somewhere else. We show you three different options.

Rent a room / Shared flats

Something very common in Spain, especially for students and young workers, although many older people rent rooms in shared flats.

Rent a flat

Renting a flat will give you more freedom to choose your roomies (in case you want to have them) and to have more freedom at home. The best WebPages where you can find flats to rent are:

Rent a dorm at a residence

This is one of the most popular options for students who move to the main cities in Spain to study. It usually is a little more expensive than renting flats but in many cases it includes many services like rooms cleaning or full or half board. Pay special attention to house rules, as some residences have curfews. In Spanish, they can be called “residencias de estudiantes” or “colegios mayores”.

You can find dorms in:

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